I buy a mio 400 and install lk 8000 without problems, and it works fine. Now I need your help for cable connection: i cannot find a mini-usb to serial cable RJ145.... Do you know where i can find it? for the serial and install a com port, i need to some drivers in windows CE of the pda? How is possible that the same cable can give power supply?
Paolo, Can you exlpain for all of us step by step the question? Thank's for your beautiful work!
Now I need your help for cable connection: i cannot find a mini-usb to serial cable RJ145....
It's not quite that simple. The cable must inclose a "serial rs232 to TTL converter", plus (if you think you need it) a power adapter from 12 to 5v.
I just ordered a TTL converter on ebay for a few euros, then I'll have to give it the needed 3,3 volts, then I'll connect a 5v adapter for the PNA.
I think someone will come up with a functional, ready solution, which will cost the in the range of 50-100 Euros, given past experience. See the unit on sale at www.glidertools.com (which is not recommended for the MIO as it relies on bluetooth for serial connection).
Serial to TTL is not required because the MIO400 has a serial port over the USB connector (if I have it understood correctly)
Right now I have a Power data converter in my glider, its connected with the 12V power system, and provides 12V power to the Colibri, and 5V power to the Ipaq, and data coming from the colibri is also fed into the Ipaq via this same power/data converter. Works very well, and I think you need something similar for connecting your GPS with your MIO 400 the same way.. as far as I can see the "Anschlussboard" can do exactly that.
Regrettably the supplier of the power/data supply I have is no longer in business (Adriaan Oudhuis, Netherlands).
Marco BU (PH-588) Mini Nimbus HS7, s/n 039 http://www.zweef.nl/ Zweefvliegcentrum Noordkop, NETHERLANDS
What about the doubt raised by Marco from hangar 5? The "serial over USB" has standard RS232 levels or is it really a TTL? I'd like to know for sure. Then if you would like to build your own TTL converter you can try and search the Maxim Max232 or Max233 circuits, which do just this.
Marco Bertoluzza AVM Voghera
... intanto mettilo a terra, poi parliamo dopo ...
Hi all! This module what I prepare for production, of course contains RS232 to TTL convertor with IC MAX232. Contains also miniature 5V switching power supply to power the PNA/PDA. Printed circuit boards already has been entered into production. Vladimir
Hi All I am using a Mio M400 which I have just purchased. All is running well with LK8000. Has anyone hooked up their MIO with an EW Micrologger? The EW alrady has a power converter from 12 volt to 5 volt and data can be transfered via a RJ connector I think. Would be interested in hearing of anyones experiance. Thanks Alf
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